Kit – Fifth and Sixth Seat Attachment
- Provides parts and information to install new seat attachments for the sixth seat
- Aircraft models:
- Beechcraft A36 (E-572 thru E-3192)
- Beechcraft A36TC (EA-1 thru EA-241 and EA-243 thru EA-272)
- Beechcraft B36TC (EA-242, EA-273 thru EA-619)
- Beechcraft 95-B55 (TC-1299 thru TC-2456)
- Beechcraft E55 (TE-768 thru TE-1201)
- Beechcraft A56TC (TG-84 thru TG-94)
- Beechcraft 58 (TH-1 thru TH-1865)
- Beechcraft 58TC (TK-1 thru TK-151)
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