Newer, Robust Gasket Material:
- Eliminates legacy gasket relaxation causing body-to-bowl fuel leaks
Increased Float Clearance in Bowl:
- Larger machined cavity allowing more clearance preventing floats from sticking
- Increased fluid volume for optimal upper range performance
Stronger & Lighter Main Body Material:
- AL 6061-T6 Billet Machined Throttle Body to Bowl
- 30% increase in yield strength over legacy cast material
- Eliminates plug thread deterioration causing leaks
- Legacy castings are prone to cracks and porosity
- AVStar’s Fuel Systems average a 15% reduction in weight by design resulting in lower operating costs
Corrosion Resistance:
- Fully anodized billets have much higher corrosion resistance than legacy castings
- More stainless components in each fuel system
Consistent Air Fuel Ratio Performance:
- Billet machined venturi’s for improved and consistent air flows
- Optimized air fuel metering using advanced fluid dynamic analysis validated by the world’s largest piston engine manufacturer, Lycoming Engines
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