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BendixKing 89000026-001-0000 AeroVueTouch KFD 900 Display Controller

Part #: 89000026-001-0000





The AeroVue Touch is an advanced flight display with all the features and functions the modern plot demands.

AeroVue Touch is a fast, powerful and easy-to-use flight display for your certified aircraft

It can be installed as a primary flight display in a new certified aircraft or to modernise the “six pack” of primary flight instruments in an existing aircraft

The 10

The display can be used as full screen primary flight display or a split screen primary and multifunction display

The high performance AeroVue Touch supplants all previous generations of flight displays for certified aircraft at a highly competitive price point

It comes standard with all flight indicators, the industry-leading SmartView™ synthetic vision, ADS-B In weather and traffic and a vertical situation display that shows flight path over terrain

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