PNs Alternativos

  • PN: RAP242CW-10-OH - View
  • PN: 242CW-10 - View


Rapco dry air pumps are FAA-PMA approved direct replacements for Airborne and AA.

NEW RAPCO PUMPS are FAA-PMA approved and come with an inspection port and tool to help determine replacement time, and an internal oil seal to help keep out contaminants. Mounting gasket included. Warranty period on the 200 series is three years / 1300 hours. The warranty period on the 240 and the 400 series is 1 year / 500 hours, which ever comes first. There is no Core Charge on new pumps.

OVERHAULED RAPCO PUMPS are FAA approved and come with an FAA form 8130-3. Mounting gasket included. The warranty period for the 200 series is two years / 1000 hours. The warranty period for the 240 and the 400 series is one year / 400 hours, which ever comes first. Core charge applies.

Mounting flange gasket is included.

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