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Part #: SP-7
MGL Avionics





The SP-7 AHRS is MGL Avionics’s seventh generation AHRS system. The core building blocks of the system includes a three axis ST MEMS rate gyroscope, a three axis ST MEMS accelerometer and an ARM Cortex 32-bit microprocessor system.

While the SP-7 is much cheaper than a traditional AHRS system as installed in military aircraft or airliners, the very same principles of operation are used and the same restrictions and limitations are present. More than with any other system in your aircraft, the performance of the AHRS is dependent on the correct installation of the system.

The SP-7 is a “strapdown AHRS”, a term used for a system that is not based on the traditional spinning body gyroscope (vacuum or electric gyro) but rather uses three separate gyroscopic devices to measure rotation rates around each of the three major axis. This is combined with three accelerometers that measure specific force in the same three axis.

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